Name * First Name Last Name Email * Dogs Name * Is your dog male or female? * Male Female What is your dogs date of birth (approximate if adopted)? * MM DD YYYY What date did you get your dog? * MM DD YYYY Has your dog been neutered? * Yes, spayed/neutered No, intact Where did you get your dog from? * How long has your dog had separation anxiety? * Please list out the daily exercise and enrichment your dog gets. * How long is your dog being left alone at the moment? * Have you spoken your vet about your dogs separation anxiety? * Yes No If yes, what was the outcome of your conversation with your vet? For separation anxiety training to work, you really would need to find a way to stop leaving your dog. How do you feel about that? That's unrealistic That might be doable I'm already doing that. My dog is never left home alone What other training have you done to address your dog’s separation anxiety? Please outline below: * Please give me any more background to your dog that your think might be helpful How did you hear about us? * Friend/Colleague/Relative Online search Facebook Dog trainer Vet Other Newsletter The best phone number for me to contact you on Thank you! Please complete this form and I will be in touch to discuss your dogs separation anxiety.